How To Let Someone Down Easy: 15 Ideas For Nice Rejection Texts

  • 2023.02/28 更新

    Saying something like you’re busy or going out of town doesn’t actually say what you mean, and it leaves them thinking that there’s still a chance. I’ve just come off a bad relationship and am just not ready to start dating again. Toxic guys don’t react to any kind of rejection well, and typically only get angrier the more you try to be polite. These strategies are only effective against decent guys who you don’t consider sexy. You don’t owe anyone your time and there’s no shame or embarrassment in not wanting to talk to someone. In fact, studies show that when we experience rejection, it activates the same areas of the brain that are activated when we feel physical pain. You don’t owe them an explanation, but if you actually have a good reason there’s no harm in mentioning it.

    No matter what you say, they are never going to take the hint if they didn’t get it from your last response. You were trying to be kind and do them a favor, and they clearly have issues accepting rejection.

    • Though anyone can mark their preferences and much of OkCupid can be used entirely for free, sorting people out by dealbreakers is only available to paying users.
    • Being clear and honest is the best approach, and others will respect you for it.
    • Processing a clear-cut breakup is a lot less harmful to someone’s self-esteem than the second-guessing and self-doubt that your prolonged silence causes.
    • Be intentional, be humble, be kind, and don’t be afraid to slow down.

    Of course, you don’t want to be rude or hurt their feelings, but you still need to make it clear that you’re not interested in going on a date with them. I met a guy a few years back, we went out, I had a good time and it turned in a one night stand . We spoke a few times and seen each other in passing, but I really wasn’t interested. However, periodically he will see a post of mine on social media and he will reach out, wanting to have sex again. He says, he “really enjoyed the sex, and would like to see me and that he is not interested in a relationship”.

    Don’t Mention Physical Traits

    We are all searching for a sense of connection and while rejection is part of the process we can always seek to do it with heart. If you’re in a group situation or share the same friends, don’t tell everyone what happened. If you’ve turned someone down, they already feel rejected and don’t need to add embarrassment to the list. When that happens, it can cause you to be awkward, say something stupid, or even hurt someone unintentionally. These tips won’t help much after the fact, but it’s good advice to keep in mind so you’re prepared to handle things flawlessly next time. It can be tempting during a breakup to want to offer something that makes the other person feel better. “We should still be friends,” is a common refrain, and a wonderful idea—but only if you actually want to be friends with that person.

    Be honest.

    Even if you’ve hung out a few times, if there’s no love connection, be honest. Let them know you’ve enjoyed their company, but you’re looking for something serious and don’t see it going there with them. When it comes to online dating etiquette, it’s good to remember the golden rule—treat others the way you’d like to be treated.

    Learning how to let someone down easy is the way forward. @evji108 You’re really so stupid you don’t even know that being ignored is a total rejection? Blocking people will really antagonize the crazies and theyll make another account to stalk you. Messaging is generally a waste of time since if they cant take a hint after you dont reply to their multiple days in a row of saying hey then thats on them.

    Though you were flirty over text, the chemistry in person was just… So, when you see their name pop up in your messages the next morning, you start to worry, wondering the best way to them you’re not interested after a first date. I’m still treating the guy as casual dating, I just get overwhelmed if I have to keep up with too many people. I find a lot of my female friends have this problem.

    Sure, it’s hard to turn people down, but the earlier you’re honest with them, the easier it will be. More often than not, there will be times when we get asked on dates, and we’re just not interested. And it can feel overwhelming because it’s never easy to turn someone down. But there are ways to tone down the awkwardness.

    Or maybe you haven’t even met up yet, but you’re just not feeling the conversation anymore. That’s a normal part of dating and definitely nothing to be ashamed of, but the kindest thing you can do — for both of you — is to let the other person know that you’re not into it. So, what should you expect when you send these rejection messages? Well, there are a few things that could happen, and you should be prepared for all of them.