The Bardic Divas: Womens Voices from Kazakhstan Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art

  • 2023.02/09 更新

    You can use it in Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and other Eastern European countries. Basically, it’ll serve you far better in most of the world than Kazakh will. The two official languages of Kazakhstan are Kazakh and Russian. Most people, especially the younger crowd, are fluent in both.

    • Your tax deductible gift can help stop human rights violations and save lives around the world.
    • In Figure 4, below, Level 1 objectification is the lowest and is defined by a human character who is used to sell a product in a highly relevant way that does not rely solely on their appearance.
    • The dramatic scenario of the AIDS/HIV spread in other countries can be repeated in Kazakhstan where the society is not ready to independently cope with the solution of this problem.
    • It is perhaps not surprising that the name Sapura/Sapara Matenkyzy – a warrior woman who led units of up to 10,000 people in the 18th century does not sound familiar to most people.

    Kazakhs also still largely adhere to an old custom of care for the elderly. The youngest son in Kazakh families is expected to stay at home until his parents die. He may take a wife and have a family of his own, but he is expected to care for his parents into their old age. Some couples have only one or two children, while other families have eight or nine. Men exercise most of the symbolic authority in both Kazakh and non-Kazakh households. But there are many very strong women and powerful matriarchs who wield all practical control.

    History and Ethnic Relations

    Subsequently, they consciously prescribed new roles for both women and men. In their view, a woman was to work, “produce future generations of workers,” and run the household. The state provided their protection and independence because it gave them work. Tartakovskaya emphasized, this project was based on the idea of “freeing women from the power of patriarchal family relations in order to subordinate women, as well as men, to the power of the state.” The roles of men also changed. The function of head of the family was taken over by the state, while men were to lead the construction of the communist system and manage the new state.

    “The project is called Promoting Gender Equality in Housing Finance. Providing equal opportunities to women is important, and essential to development. This year, she finally got to move into her own home thanks to Kazakhstan’s first housing program for women that ADB financed.

    Russian Orthodox churches are in many parts of Kazakhstan, especially in the north and in large cities. Orthodox priests perform services and baptize children much as in the West. Women and girls often hold hands as they walk; boys wrestle and often hook arms or walk with their arms around each other. Kissing cheeks and embracing is perfectly acceptable between good friends.


    I missed my family, I missed feeling at ease, I missed feeling like I belonged. Though I had experienced these feelings while studying in Russia, I had had the safety net of my study abroad program and my American friends in St. Petersburg.

    Fathers in Central Asia have joined UN Women’s solidarity movement for gender equality. Watch this powerful video where Central Asian fathers talk about how supporting gender equality will help build a better future for their daughter. In addition, UN Women in Kazakhstan oversees the work of the UN Inter-agency Gender Thematic Group, conducts awareness-raising initiatives on gender equality, and collaborates with the private sector to expand women’s economic opportunities. One of the sessions of Astana Economic Forum in 2015 was dedicated to the International Women’s Forum organised by the Kazakh Association of Business Women . The session was specifically dedicated to the economic benefits of gender equality in Central Asia and Afghanistan. Kazakhstan’s first women’s NGO the Association of Business Women of Kazakhstan holds regular summits dedicated to women in business and women’s rights.

    The reasons and even the process of marriage in Kazakhstan are also very similar. While years ago it was common for women to marry very young, times have changed; education has become much more important for both genders, and marriages for people in their mid-twenties are becoming more common. Marriages are not arranged by the parents but are usually formed through dating and courtship. My research revealed that Kazakh gender roles in urban Almaty prescribe relatively strict guidelines for how women and men should present their gender. Females are represented as putting great value on their outward appearance and beauty, including thinness, fashion, makeup, and jewelry. Women are also portrayed as being passive homemakers, rather than decisive and authoritative businesswomen.

    Women in Business

    Hi, may i know how many percent are Filipinos leave and work in Kazakhstan? Because your place is very nice and your culture is very much alike in Philippines. More information about business opportunities in the country would interest me too. I see a lot of them every day, although I think twice, not knowing the business hierarchy. Most town mosques are cared for and staffed by a mullah, who conducts religious services at the mosque as well as funerals, weddings, and blessings.

    However, often women have not been promoted to the top positions in national government and the private sector. With alcoholism on the rise, especially among men, and educational performance among men often lower than average, women may play an even more significant role in the future Kazakhstani economy.

    On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title.